Updates: TwikaFly Version 2.0-1 Released. Crack is out!
Version 2.0-1
* Completely new UI
* Tweetbot support
* Tweet from lockscreen and more
Requires iOS 4 or higher
Are you a twitter addict?
Advanced official Twitter.app push notification system for iPhone and iPad!
1. QuickReply to Twitter.app push mentions
2. Tweet right from SpringBoard using Activator
3. Blacklist users and More . . .
Disclaimer: QuickReply feature is an extension to official Twitter.app. So, push notification needs to be enabled in Twitter.app and it can only display limited push notification's words from Twitter. Eg: "@moeseth blah blah blah . . ." instead of full tweet aka 140 words.
Quick Tweet : any iOS firmware
Quick Reply : iOS firmware > 4.0
No new icons are added to your homescreen. Configure options from the Settings app.
See all the Screenshots below
DownLoad: Version 2.0-1
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