iPhone hacker jcf_dev has released PwnageTool Bundles for jailbreaking iPod Touch 4G and iPad on iOS 4.3 beta1! The bundle can be used with the existing version of PwnageTool to create custom firmware files for a semi-tethered jailbreak. But only those who have a membership of the iPhone Developer Standard or Enterprise Program can proceedjailbreaking their iOS device. Follow detailed guide listed below on how to jailbreak iPod Touch 4G and iPad running on iOS 4.3b1 using PwnageTool bundles.
Warning: The method is bit complex and requires you to modify the restore Ramdisk manually. If you don’t know what you are doing, then stay away! We should not be held responsible for bricking your iPod Touch 4G or iPad.
- You must boot tethered with “tetheredboot” to enjoy unsigned apps.
- Never run Cydia when you have booted untethered, this will make MobileSafari and others apps crash.
- Your baseband IS NOT upgraded during restore process.
- You MUST boot tethered with “tetheredboot” to enjoy unsigned apps.
How to jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, iPad iOS 4.3 Beta 1 with PwnageTool Bundles
- Download PwnageTool bundles for iPod Touch 4G and iPad.
- Follow guide to create iOS 4.3 custom firmware for jailbreak.
You MUST make your own ramdisk to be able to restore, for PwnageTool makes a broken one.
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Via: www.gadgetsdna.com
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