The January 2011 dashboard update is a fairly minor release which is designed to re-enable the ‘Boot to Disc’ option in the Xbox 360 dashboard. The update is mandatory and Xbox 360 owners will be prompted to update the next time they sign-in to Xbox LIVE. Microsoft has also blocked some popular flashed firmware disc drive modifications with the update. Pirates typically flash their DVD drives with modified firmware to bypass Microsoft’s game security checks.”Anti-piracy 2.5″ is the software giant’s latest attempt to thwart console pirates.
According to nearly 200 posts on a popular Xbox 360 moding forum, pirates are having a number of issues loading games after the mandatory update.Microsoft’s ‘Major Nelson’ also confirmed that Microsoft is planning to tweak its Gamercards. Microsoft is planning to update gamercards on Thursday January 20. “We’ve updated the Gamercard look and feel a bit and removed gamerzone from the card. Other than that, the same amount of information is on the card,” said Major Nelson.
Microsoft revealed at CES earlier this month that the company has sold over 50 million Xbox 360 consoles worldwide since launch. Microsoft also has 30 million active Xbox LIVE members and has sold 8 million Kinect sensors in just 60 days on the market. Microsoft is planning to introduce Hulu Plus for U.S. Xbox LIVE subscribers in Spring this year. The software giant will also push out a Spring dashboard update that will include support for the recently announced Avatar Kinect.
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