Sunday, March 27, 2011

FilpOver 1.0.1-16 Released [Crack]

Update : Version 1.0.1-16 released ! Crack is out !! 

v 1.0.1-16 
  • Now mutes properly instead of reducing volume to zero
  • Added option to either undim the screen or unlock when you turn the device over
  • Hopefully fixed some issues with the tweak hanging up phone calls
  • May have fixed the rare issue with the tweak constantly cycling locking and unlocking. If your device still has this problem, email me so that I can figure out exactly what causes this problem.

Download 1.0.1-16 Cracked : Official

Requires iOS 4.0 or higher

FlipOver is a tweak that lets you mute or lock your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad simply by putting it face down. Pick the device back up, and it will automatically unmute or unlock. Requires at least iOS 4.0.
No new icons are added to your home screen. Options for this tweak can be configured from your Settings app.

Previous Version 
1.0.0-2 : Official