Update : Resupported4 v1.5-1 released ! Keygen should work...
Download 1.5-1 Keygen : Official
put the phone in airplane/no internet mode (to avoid online check)
install .deb with ifile or ssh
connect the device to your computer and get the UUID from itunes
create a key with the keygen
save a .plist that will include your key
transfer the com.phoenix.shrink.plist to /User/Library/Preferences
Did you know your iPhone/iPod Touch can play videos on your TV? Did you know Apple wants you to pay $50 to get a cable that lets you do such?
Did you know you don't need to?
There are plenty of accessories on the market that allow you to play video out with iPods, but when plugged into the iPhone, display "This accessory is unsupported by iPhone", and refuse to play video out. Or at least used to.
Resupported4 is a safe and cheap alternative to paying the Apple tax. It enables video out through many unsupported AV cables and devices, and it does not modify system files!
Plus, Resupported4 adds video playback support to many third-party applications, such as Hulu+, IMDB, VEVO, and more !Update : Resupported 1.2.0-1 has been released ! unfortunately, no crack exists yet ! Keep in touch with this article to know when !
Download 1.1 Cracked : 4shared
This application will permit you to play videos on your TV with your iPhone without any error message like « This accessory is unsupported by iPhone ».
- It permits so that iPhone and l’iPod Touch are compatible with a large majority of TV OUT cable.
- Play, standby, ... via your headphones
- etc…
NOTE: There are no icons or settings. This just "works" ! Accessory warning messages may disappear, and Fire-Wire based cables still will not work or charge your device!
Previous Version
1.4-1 : Official
1.0-2 : Official
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