Friday, March 11, 2011

Hermes Manager v1.4 Released

Today, Hermes brings us another update to his popular self-titled manager, Hermes

 Manager, for his 3.41 CFW. This version includes a major upgrade

that lets you play split game files by caching them to the hardrive. This Manager is made

completely homebrew tools: PSL1GHT, Tiny3D, PS3Soundlib and OpenPS3FTP. Hermes has

 also added the "Fix Permisions" for games that require it.

Download: hmanager_v1.4.rar (789.31 KB) or Megaupload

Version 1.4 Changelog:

-Set Support for split game files from an external USB drive by caching the files onto the internal disk of the console

-Adds “Fix permission”