Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Using Ultrasn0w How to Unlock iOS 4.3 GM on iPhone 4

Yesterday, iH8sn0w released patched PwnageTool Bundles to jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS (both Old and new Bootroms), iPod touch 4G / 3G and iPad. These iOS 4.3 GM bundle for PwnageTool preserve the iPhone 4 BaseBand.
If you’re iPhone 4 is already unlocked on baseband 01.59.00, you can safely restore your device to a custom 4.3 pre-jailbroken IPSW and retain current baseband and unlock, instead updated upgrading to BB 04.10.01.

How to Unlock iPhone 4 iOS 4.3 GM using Ultrasn0w [Old Baseband]

Step 1: Jailbreak your iPhone 4 on iOS 4.3 GM (Gold Master) with PwnageTool bundles 
Step 2: Start ‘Cydia’ on your jailbroken iPhone iOS 4.1 or iOS 4.2.1 springboard.
Step 3: Select ‘Manage’ tab at the bottom of your iPhone screen and then select ‘Sources’.
Step 4: Select ‘Edit’ and then select ‘Add’. Now enter a URL source. Type ‘repo666.ultrasn0w.com‘ and select on ‘Add Source’. Once Cydia has added the source click on ‘Return to Cydia’ button.
Step 5: Once the installation is completed. Search for ‘ultrasn0w’ in Cydia and install it.
Step 6: This will automatically unlock your jailbroken iPhone 4 running baseband 01.59.00.
Step 7: Reboot it.
Thats it! You have now successfully unlocked iPhone 4 running iOS 4.3 GM firmware.
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