I bring you the second version of PS3 Channels Creator 2.0 homebrew application today.
PCC is a windows program used to create lists of channels for our PS3. These channels are like shortcuts to Web sites, you do not need to be web video.
Download: PS3 Channels Creator 2.0
- Now you can choose the icons you want (even add icons added)
- Works in all regions
- You can choose the name of the folder containing the xil.xml (Not all consoles have the same name)
- Different languages (English, Spanish and Catalonian)
- You can choose the order of channels
- All times are displayed in the channel list
As the big news about the first version is that you can change the icons of presentation. The icons have to take some measures and be 320x176 PNG. You can also use icons from other icons packs. Icons do not need to be hosted on external servers are stored on your PS3.
The first menu you can choose the name of the folder that contains the XIL.XML. To find out you only have to look (for ftp or file manager) the name of the folder that is located in "/ dev_hdd0/tmp/explore/xil/tv/ctmp /". With this program you ride perfect for all folders that you just have to upload the folder xil.
Sorry for my bad english!!
Stay with us........
Thnx: ps3news
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