The Killzone 3 Single-Player PS3 demo is now available to all via PSN, versus only PlayStation Plus Subscribers, using a simple work-around.
To quote from (linked above): "The beauty of it all is that the demo in Hong Kong is the same demo and it's available in English.
By making a false Hong Kong account, you can easily download the demo one week ahead of time and bask in the loving warmth that is the Killzone 3 single-player demo, or you can continue to play the Killzone 3 multiplayer beta and wait the extra week.
As posted by a user on NeoGAF, here are some simple steps to create a Hong Kong account with ease:
How to make a Hong Kong PSN account:
- First create a new user on your PlayStation 3 (completely over to the left of the XMB menu.)
- Log off the old user, and log onto the new.
- Head over to the Playstation Network and select "Sign up for Playstation Network.
- Select "Hong Kong" as a country and enter a birthday date.
- Select "Master Account".
- Press "Accept" at the Terms of Service.
- Enter an email. Also find a password and security Question.
- Come up with an online-ID
- Enter first name and surname (or possibly. Just write something random) and sex.
- When you get to the address field, enter the following:
- Street Address 1: 1 Harbour Rd
- District: Hong Kong
- City: Wan Chai
- Country Region: Hong Kong
- Choose whether you want to enter billing information (could also be done later).
Just wanted to share this and wanted to ask, i am on 3.55 CFW so how can we download it... please don't make ''create a HK PSN'' jokes.
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