Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4 iOS 4.2.6 by Downloading Greenpois0n RC5.4

Good news that Chronic Dev Team has just released Greenpois0n RC5.4 for Mac that Jailbreaks Verizon iPhone 4 for life. Few minutes back the team confirmed that greenpois0n RC5.4 worked flawlessly. Get the tool before the server gets swamped!
Click the Image for Full Resolution

How to jailbreak iOS 4.2.6 Verizon iPhone 4 using Greenpois0n

The guide to jailbreak VZW iPhone 4 iOS 4.2.6 is same. We haven’t tried it so far, but you can try and share your results with us. which is published earliear
  • How To: Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4 using Greenpois0n RC5 on Mac
  • How To: Jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4 using Greenpois0n RC5 on Windows

Download Greenpois0n RC5.4 to jailbreak Verizon iPhone 4 iOS 4.2.6

Greenpois0n RC5.4, mirror by iH8sn0w
Chronic Dev Team members have pushed the jailbreak just for early adopters and only for Mac users. However, they are ironing out minor bugs to release Greenpois0n RC6 which will include Windows support as well. Stay tuned, we will keep you informed as and when more information comes-in.
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