Today iPhone Dev Team released PwnageTool 4.2 to Jailbreak all iOS devices including Verizon iPhone 4. But, why you need PwnageTool when you can easily jailbreak your device using greenpois0n? Well the answer is simple. PwnageTool’s main advantage over other jailbreaking tools is that iPhone unlockers can safely restore to a custom 4.2.1 pre-jailbroken IPSW and retain their current baseband and unlock.
If you’ve got your hand up and aren’t afraid of heights, dive into follow extensive guide that provides instructions on how to achieve untethered jailbreak on your iPhone 4 and later unlock using ultrasn0w.
How to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 (any iOS device) using PwnageTool 4.2
- Download PwnageTool 4.2 for Mac
- Download iOS 4.2.1 firmware for your device.
- iTunes 10.1.2 installed on your Mac
Step 1: Launch iTunes 10.1.2 and sync your iPhone with your Mac for backup.
Step 2: Download PwnageTool 4.2 and the original iOS 4.2.1 for your version of iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Copy all the files to your desktop.
Step 3: Double click to start PwnageTool 4.2. Click Ok, if prompted with a warning. Click to select Expert Mode from the top menu bar and then select your device (iPhone 3GS, 3G or iPhone 4). Click Blue arrow button at the bottom right to continue.
Step 4: Click the Browse for IPSW… button and then select your firmware from the Pwnage folder (refer Step 2).
Step 5: You will be prompted to select one of the option from following window. Select General then click the blue arrow button to continue.
Step 6: Under General settings Check Activate the phone if you are not with an official carrier then click the blue arrow button to continue. If your iPhone is activated on an official carrier Deselect Activate.
Step 7: Now the Cydia settings window will allows you to create custom packages. Double click any of the packages to select. For example, double click on OpenSSH, it will then appear under Select Packages tab.
Step 8: Click Select Packages Tab and then select OpenSSH as shown in the screen below.
Step 9: You are now ready to begin the pwnage process! Click the Build button to select it then click the Blue arrow button to begin.
Step 10: PwnageTool will now create the custom .ipsw file for your iPhone. You will be prompted to save custom .ipsw firmware file. Save it to the desktop. It might take 10-15 minutes for building custom firmware.
Step 11: Now its time to restore your iPhone to this custom firmware 4.2.1 for your iPhone or iPod touch.
- Click on your phone icon from the sidebar in iTunes.
- Press and hold left “alt” button (“Shift” button on Windows) on the keyboard and then click on “Restore” (Not “Update” or “Check for Update”) button in the iTunes
- Now, release the “Shift” button.
Step 12: iTunes will now prompt you to select the location for your custom firmware 4.2.1 Once your iPhone is successfully in DFU mode.
Step 13: Once In iTunes, hold the Alt/Option key and click Restore.
Step 14: Now select the custom IPSW that was created and click the Choose button. Wait for a while till iTunes installs the new firmware 4.2.1 on your iPhone. After the installation is done, iPhone will reboot automatically. You have now successfully jailbroken iPhone running iOS 4.2.1 keeping baseband preserved.
How to Unlock iPhone 4 4.2.1 iOS using Ultrasn0w [Old Baseband]
If you want to unlock iPhone on iOS 4.2.1, then follow the complete step by step guide posted here to unlock iPhone 4 using Ultrasn0w.
Step 15: The last step is now to restore all your settings, apps, contacts and photos to the newly installed firmware version iOS 4.2.1. Just restorethe backup that you made in Step 1 from iTunes.
If you are on Windows platform, then you can use sn0wbreeze for creating custom IPSW firmware files !
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