Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Unlock iPhone 4 for Baseband 02.10.04 & above Ready for Primetime

You might be getting sick of these “iPhone 4 unlock” stories by now, but this one deserved its own! Apart from unlocking iPhone 4 on baseband 02.10.04 (iOS 4.1 build 8B117) and 03.10.01 (iOS 4.2.1 build 8C148), iPhone Dev Team will roll out updated ultrasn0w unlock for iPhone 4 on latest firmware iOS 4.3 (bb 04.11.02 ?) as well. The confirmation came from theiPhonewiki’s Veence who also work closely with iOS hackers. Yesterday, he even confirmed that unlock is almost completed and ready and just waiting for iOS 4.3 to go public. Don’t take it otherwise, Veeence was the first to confirm, that greenpois0n iOS 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak is almost ready for primetime.

@reputeinfosys the unlock is pretty much done. They’re just waiting for iOS 4.3 now.
don’t like repeating myselft, but spirits are still confused? Your unlock (BB >=02.10) will come after (and only after!) 4.3 is released.
>= means “equals or greater than”, so 2.10, 3.10 and 4.3′s baseband (likely 04.10?) will all be covered.
@a_ziadeh93 ultrasn0w will be updated to unlock those basebands. Via 1,2,3,4
There are indeed rumors that iOS 4.3 will be fully baked by 14th February and if we go by official statement by Musclenerd, updated ultrasn0w should be ready by Feb14. However, the entire iPhone community is waiting relentlessly to get the pie, it would be great if Musclenerd can at-least provide a preview video of iPhone 4 unlock on latest basebands.
We are sure, iPhone Dev Team will keep their promised date.Stay with us for more...