Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jailbreaking iPhone 5 & Sony Ericsson Xperia Play is NEXT Geohot Target

After hacking Playstation 3 SKU, Geohot has landed in some hot water, legally. But that isn’t stopping the restless hacker from venturing deeper into Sony’s product line. In a recent interview in an American TV show “The Alyona”, he made clear that he is not afraid of “Sony” and voiced his intention to root upcoming Sony’s Ericsson Xperia Play & Apple’s iPhone 5. Check out the video interview after the break!

Infamous hacker Geohot has a bit of a history with Sony. He was sued after he releasedPS3 keys to public (despite the fact that his hack does not support pirated software). He then published a short note to Sony on his blog showing dismay and warned that Sony might not get the right programmers in future. Just to poke fun at Sony, George Hotz thencomposed a video rap song.
To continue legal fight against Sony, Geohot then requested his fans to donate (Legal Fund) on his new blog (Did Microsoft donated?), where he mentioned to root Sony’s Xperia Play phone. Geohot won’t have to worry about legal action, as rooting or jailbreaking is not considered an illegal act in the US.
During the entire conversation, Geohot was very confident to beat Sony legally and feels that consumer have full rights to tinker any computer or electronic device he or she buys. So do us! What do you think? We will update you when more news on PS3 comes-in.