Monday, February 7, 2011

USE Sn0wbreeze 2.2 Jailbreak when Play Pacman while IPSW is Building [VIDEO]

iH8sn0w has posted a teaser video of Sn0wbreeze 2.2 that jailbreaks iOS device on iOS 4.2.1. The hacker has added an interesting option that allows you to play a Pacman game while the IPSW is building in sn0wbreeze 2.2. You can even switch between IPSW building screen and Pacman anytime.

The new sn0wbreeze will also accompany Baseband Preservation Mode in
addition to simple mode and expert mode which will allow users to unlock it later using iPhone Dev Teams Ultrasn0w.

Those who are living under the rock, Sn0wbreeze is a jailbreaking tool like PwnageTool for iPhone and iPod touch which can be used to create custom .ipsw files. But unlike the PwnageTool, Sn0wbreeze 2.2 is said to be fully compatible to work with Windows machines.
The hacker hasn’t cited any ETA for sn0wbreeze 2.2 so far. We will update you as and when sn0wbreeze 2.2 is available for download with fully functional tutorial guide. 
Stay with us for more updates.........