Monday, May 30, 2011

MobileNotifier 0.5.0-120 Released [Crack]

                                   [Image: images-stories-lockscreen-530x795-300x450.png]
Updates: MobileNotifier version 0.5.0-120 Released. Crack is out!
MobileNotifier 0.5.0-120 supports firmware iOS 4.2.1.
MobileNotifier is an open source reimplementation of the iOS notification system, designed to be unobtrusive, user-friendly, and a joy to use. A new release was announced earlier today, bringing the software to a significantly more usable state. It’s accessible on Cydia via the repo, and it really feels like the way iPhone notifications should have been done by Apple in the first place.Download: Version 0.5.0-120 Official
New Features In this version:

In this new beta 0.5.0-120 the developer has added a new feature really fantastic MobileReply, from there you can reply to messages with a simple click on the notification.

Previous Versions:
MobileNotifier v0.4.1-1 - Download

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