Friday, February 4, 2011

Unlock BB 02.10.04, 03.10.01 for iPhone 4 Arriving on February 14th, Valentines Day?

iPhone 4 Unlock on baseband 02.10.04 and 03.10.01 might arrive on 14th Feb, that is on Valentines Day ! If we go by the rumors floating for iOS 4.3 release date and official statement by Musclenerd, the unlock for iPhone 4 might be pushed on 14th Feb as well.
Official iPhone unlock statement: no unlock will be released until after 4.2.5 or official 4.3 (whichever is last) is out
We already know that Verizon iPhone 4 on iOS 4.2.5, iOS 4.2.6 is scheduled to hit the retail stores on 10th Feb and multiple reports suggest that iOS 4.3 (final) will be released on 14th Feb. If we equate both the statements, iPhone 4 unlock release date comes out to be 14th February. However, it is purely an assumption, keeping in mind what Musclenerd tweeted on 14th January.
While we’re not sure about the exact ETA of unlocking iPhone 4 on baseband 02.10.04, 03.10.01, 04.08.00, we do know that the team is hard at work to push the updated ultrasn0w on time. We are sure, iPhone Dev Team will keep their promised date. So, please be patient! For all future jailbreak and unlock software releases,Stay with us for more updates..........