Thursday, June 2, 2011

GuizmoDNS 1.0.3 Released

                                   [Image: 4d702771b6b7c.png]

Updates: GuizmoDNS Version 1.0.3 Released.

Allow DNS settings for 3G/Wifi

Download: GuizmoDNS Version 1.0.3   Official

Now For Apple/iPhone users, GuizmoDNS 1.0.3 has been released. GuizmoDNS for iPhone is a Tweak, released by “Guizmo“. GuizmoDNS 1.0.3 is Tweak for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPadGuizmoDNS v1.0.3 permits you to DNSsettings for 3G from the system preferences. This version of GuizmoDNS 1.0.3 also allows you theDNS settings for WiFi.

Fix compatibility issue with some devices

Improved battery life

Faster DNS settings

Nicer SBSettings toggles

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