Saturday, June 18, 2011

PkgBackup 4.3.9 Released [Cracked]

  •                                           PkgBackup 4.3.9 Download PkgBackup 4.3.9

  • Updates: PkgBackup Version 4.3.9 Released.Crack is out !

  • Changes:
    Version 4.3.9

    - Bug fix: Invalid free space validation when using addressbook as storage
    - Bug fix: App hangs while doing 'Notes' backup

  •  PkgBackup 4.3.9 for iPhone has released. PkgBackup 4.3.9 is software which enables you to restore and back up all installed Cydia packages in your iphone. PkgBackup v4.3.9 also allows you to exchange, share or send your Cydia packages to others friends. With PkgBackup 4.3.9 you can connect to Facebook and can share your iPhone apps. PkgBackup 4.3.9 Download Link is given below:
    PkgBackup 4.3.9 Features :

  •  Back up installed Cydia packages

    • Restore Cydia packages
    • Share/send Cydia packages
    • SHSH blob backup/restore
    • Maps backup/restore
    • Apple Store apps data backup/restore
    • ‘Do Backup’ / ‘Do Restore’
    • UUID info
    • Rolling backups
    • Manage backups
    • Support for Facebook
    DownLoad: PkgBackup Version 4.3.9 Official

     This is a K.I.S.S.(Keep It Simple, Stupid) iOS application that backup/restore all cydia packages, in additions to preferences & springboard files. It also support Categories & hidden files. Furthermore, you can now autobackup & schedule a backup.
    PKGBackup is now cloud-aware, thanks to Dropbox. You now have the choose of storing you backup on the device and/or on Dropbox (which is recommend for large backup and or backup versioning).
    There is no need to know FTP, SSH or other geeky stuff like other tools! If you can tap, you can use this app: "It's so simple a caveman can do it"!
    Furthermore, you can also share/exchange/send your packages lists to others using Bonjour, Bump, Dropbox, Facebook & Twitter.
    I'm counting on your support & comments to make this app more KISSable ;). " 

    New In PkgBackup 4.3.9

    • Backup/restore Web clips
    • Free space validation
    • All reported bugs fix

    PkgBackup 4.3.9 Screenshots

    PkgBackup 4.3.9 Download PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup v4.3.9 Download PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup4.3.9 Download PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup 4.3 9 Download PkgBackup 4.3.9
    PkgBackup 4.3.9

    PkgBackup 4.3.9 Video Demo

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