Wednesday, June 15, 2011

iNetUsage 1.1-1 Released

                                                 iNetUsage 1.0 1 iNetUsage 1.0 1

Updates: iNetUsage Version 1.1-1 Released.
 This version Requires iOS3.2+ or higher

iNetUsage is an extension that monitors the network activity of your applications.

If you've ever received a hefty data bill and wondered 'which application did that?!', this usage meter is for you!

iNetUsage 1.1-1 Main features

  • Monitor data usage by many application
  • Broken data usage check
  • Tracking your applications
  • Extra data used by application can be stopped

DownLoad : iNetUsage Version 1.1-1 : 

                                                                          : Official

Specify a date range, and see your network usage broken down by application and network device.

iNetUsage does a pretty good job at tracking normal application network usage, but it is not perfect. In particular, these things may not be tracked:
- Non-TCP/UDP traffic
- VPN traffic
- Protocol overheads in TCP/UDP/IP
- Command-line/daemon programs
Applications that run as root, such as Cydia

No new icons are added to your home screen - you can find iNetUsage under the General -> Usage panel in your Settings

 : sqlite 3.x , sqlite 3.x Library


iNetUsage 1.1-1 is given below.

iNetUsage 1.1-1
iNetUsage 1.1-1
Download iNetUsage 1.1-1
Download iNetUsage 1.1-1

Previous Version : 

Version 1.0-1 Official

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